Friday 12 February 2016

item data entry - still working on it and I AM NOT GIVING UP!

Just letting you know I am not giving up on this project. I said it wont be regular and this is part of that. I had something happening at home and had to stop for a while and then I revised my ideas and changed a few things and have written up a bunch of item data. I would love to show you but as of now there is not enough information to show you. Don't get me wrong, I have done a lot but it is spread incomplete across several sections due to the sections being interconnected with each other due to the nature of the game itself. Therefore, anything I show you now has more stuff to add and it would be unfair to show you something which I know is going to drastically change. Therefore, I am waiting till I get at least one section moreorless done. Then I will show you some screenshots of my Excel spread sheet of item data to show you the progress :3 Hang in there guys. Its a long ride yet. Even if you aren't checking the progress I hope you like the game when it is eventually complete to a decent standard. Most of the game is the item data considering this game is a crafting game first and foremost so this part is very important and once figured out probably unlikely to change. These are the bench marks of the whole project and shows proper in game content potential so it should grab your interest when it is done. Again, so sorry I haven't updated in so long but this is the way it is. Oh yes! I have also spent some time gathering information on scripts I can borrow for certain features in this RPG maker program such as live action combat and crafting mini games. This should make things a little less stale when the game is made but they will need a bit of tweeking to get to be like I imagined. Gonna carry on working on the item data entry now. Toodles! :3

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