Wednesday 31 August 2016

more concept art for locations

I have done a bunch of concept art doodles for the locations so you know how they are going to be designed. I only have Sanctuary Waterfall, Wishing Wind Plains, Screeching Depths and Heavenly Respite left to make concept art for. After that I will fill in some more details about the background of the locations and add them to the profiles and then the locations should be done for a good time at least.

Monday 29 August 2016

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Fire - Flaming Doddle Bird

Flaming Doddle Bird
Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Flaming Doddle Bird
Category: Bird
Element Type: Fire and fighting
Strong Against: ice, plant, normal and earth
Weak Against: water, wind and poison
Found at: HarshSands Desert - area 1
Basic concept description: A big stodgy bird which is on fire so its skin is roasted and has nothing but gone left of its wing on one side.
In game description: This is an amazing creature. It not only breaths fire but it can also use it to melt sand and change the components in the sand to make golden eggs.
Nature / personality: It is hard to tell what personality something has when all it does is scream in agony because in case you have forgotten IT IS ON FIRE! The creature runs around squawking really loudly and will attack anything it comes into contact with when it does so to get it out of the way. It is in too much panic to think properly.
Likes and Dislikes: It likes being put out although the effect doesn't last long unless you use special magic or items. It dislikes pretty much its entire life otherwise, especially when people tease it with roast chicken.
Background / History: No-one knows why these birds are constantly on fire and it can't just be a single incident as the species has not been seen any other way. Some people believe they are cursed in some way by an evil mage and they tell stories of the mage coming to burn naughty children.
Connected Monsters: There are no connections with other monsters (at least not yet)
Detailed Location Description: The Flaming Doddle Bird lives in the HarshSands Desert. This desert is not as barren as it may seem at first however as it has many interesting ruins around and even a underground cave where moist creatures live unaware of the harsh outdoors. The Flaming Doddle Bird runs around wherever it wants and even sleeps and eats while running on its feet. In a little hidden spot there is a waterfall which creates a beautiful oasis where the Flaming Doddle Bird may visit to get a drink and try to put itself out. It last for a short while but not for long.
Detailed Body Description: The Flaming Doddle Bird is how you would imagine any creature which has been on fire for a long time. It's wings are small and so they have wasted away quickly with only a few strands of red plumage left behind. Even the skin of the wings has gone and all that is left is the bare bone. The Flaming Doddle Bird's body is well roasted and crispy with thick skin. It's beak has a big bump and is very strong being the only thing not burning up in the fire. It's legs are also very tough and nobly and can give a very strong kick if the need be. It's claws are very strong and can grip hard onto enemies, allowing them to pass on the fire to its victim.
Item Drops: Golden Egg (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Ice - TinkaTwinkle

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: TinkaTwinkle
Category: Bird
Element Type: Ice
Strong Against: water, wind and ice
Weak Against: fire and earth
Found at: SugarLick Mountains - area 1
Basic concept description: A medium sized blue paradise bird with lots of large shiny feathers with white highlights and soft curly white plumage.
In game description: The stunning blue and cold version of the rosey TinkaTinka. They consider themselves unique and superior to any other non-magic kind, in looks especially.
Nature / personality: The TinkaTwinkle sees itself as above the TinkaTinka and the most beautiful creature in the world. However, they are very territorial and will attack other TinkaTwinkle if they come their way. Every TinkaTwinkle believes it is the best and won't except anyone showing them up in any way. Their ice magic can be very strong and they like freezing their victims into a block of ice so they can have them as ornaments.
Likes and Dislikes: TinkaTwinkle love to eat ice flowers and ice fish and be told they are the best but they don't like being told they are ugly.
Background / History: TinkaTwinkle are a branch of TinkaTinka that went to the Sugarlick Mountains instead of InterTwine Forest. They may have gone there for the sake of more delicious and rare flowers or for finding a mate. Either way, these creatures have lived here for a long time and everyone knows to stay away if they can.
Connected Monsters: An ice magic variant of TinkaTinka
Detailed Location Description: The TinkaTwinkle live in the Sugarlick Mountains, a very cold place where sugar grows in the caves instead of salt. Although there are multiple mountains, the one best known is the one in the middle of the area which is much larger than the others. This mountain is full of many twisting caves and is home to many creatures who like to live in the cold. There is a winding path up the mountain and if you get to the centre you will find a warm grove where rare creatures live. The TinkaTwinkle is just one of the creatures which likes to call this mountain home.
Detailed Body Description: The TinkaTwinkle's body is very similar to the TinkaTinka with an extravagant array of sky blue feathers coming through a soft fluffy blue plumage on its bottom. This fluffy blue plumage strings out in curly patterns around its large blue feather wings and tail between almost every individual feather. It's beak and legs are small and dainty but it doesn't struggle to walk as its body is light, even lighter than that of the TinkaTinka. This light body allows it to float on the icy currents around the mountain.
Item Drops: Magic Meat and icy feathers (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bovine/Water/Ice - Doop

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Doop
Category: Bovine
Element Type: water and ice
Strong Against: fighting, darkness, water, wind and ice
Weak Against: grass, lightning, fire and earth
Found at: InterTwine Forest - area 2
Basic concept description: A square blue cow with a derp face
In game description: Doop are strange beings. Some people believe they are Moodles that swallowed magical dust in the air and others believe it is the work of a foolish inexperienced mage.
Nature / personality: The Doop are not very smart creatures and so are easy to fool. They are wild however and will attack when threatened and their ice magic can pack a punch. They attack with magic since they can barely move due to their strange shape. They like to hang around in groups and they call to each other when lost with long deep cries. *Doooooooooooooop* It is thought that they may have created the clearings in the forest by rolling around a lot in one spot. What adorably silly creatures.
Likes and Dislikes: They like to call out to their friends and roll around aimlessly. They also like to eat ice flowers. However, they don't like being involuntarily rolled around by strangers or their milk being taken.
Background / History: Not much is known about these creatures but it is speculated they descended from an ancestor of the Moodle or maybe even a different breed of Moodle itself. Some people think they were created when a beginner magician messed up some sort of spell on a Moodle. This is what led to the old story of the ice magician where a beginner magician is said to go out unprepared despite the warnings of its friends and ends up being attacked and killed by the strange Doop it created in its foolishness. This story is now one told to children to make them aware of the dangers of going out unprepared in the world of monsters and magic. It baffles scientists to this day how the Doop are even able to survive at all. They are just one of natures magical mysteries.
Connected Monsters: No connection to any other monsters (as far as we know. They could be connected to Moodles but we don't know)
Detailed Location Description: They live in the InterTwine Forest which is quite a ways away from the Beginner Grasslands and posses more of a challenge for adventurers. It is a thick forest of blue trees and plants. The trees branches twist into each other in a way that connects the canopy into one piece like a giant blue carpet over the forest floor, earning the forests name. The sun shines between the gaps creating beautiful speckled light amongst the shade. The Doop roll around in groups in forest clearings, looking for magic flowers to eat.
Detailed Body Description: A Doop's body is the strangest of all creatures of MEGA Craft (world name pending) as it resembles a cow but is blue with white spots and has a very large square body shape. It's tail is smaller and thinner than the Moodle as it is rarely used. Even its horns are rectangular in shape although they aren't much use since their legs can barely reach the floor if at all.
Item Drops: Blue Milk (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Poison - TinkaTinka

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki

(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: TinkaTinka
Category: Bird
Element Type: Poison
Strong Against: grass, fighting and poison
Weak Against: earth, holy
Found at: InterTwine Forest - area 1
Basic concept description: A medium sized pink paradise bird with lots of large feathers and soft curly plumage
In game description: The TinkaTinka is a beautiful bird who is famous for its glorious pink plumage. It's feathers are often used by girl dancers in raunchy dances. Fwooor!
Nature / personality: The TinkaTinka is a very beautiful bird and it knows it. It spends a lot of time grooming itself to look perfect every day. It is also important to look good for the sake of mating. However, these birds live mostly solitary lives until they meet their mate in which they will stay together until one or both die. This earns them the Nickname the bird of love. They walk with a sort of cuddled swing giving them an air of elegance with every step they take.
Likes and Dislikes: They like eating delicate flowers, especially pink ones. They don't like being separated from their loved one or getting their feathers ruffled.
Background / History: It is believed the TinkaTinka may have not been native to the InterTwine Forest but was in fact an exotic pet before escaping and breeding in the wild. Despite this, they have become a main staple in the forests well being and now the forest owes its lively hood to this creature. It is believed the TinkaTinka helps the forest flowers bloom. However, their over-hunting is starting to damage the environment.
Connected Monsters: Has a ice magic variant TinkaTwinkle
(link when available)
Detailed Location Description: They live in the InterTwine Forest which is quite a ways away from the Beginner Grasslands and posses more of a challenge for adventurers. It is a thick forest of blue trees and plants. The trees branches twist into each other in a way that connects the canopy into one piece like a giant blue carpet over the forest floor, earning the forests name. The sun shines between the gaps creating beautiful speckled light amongst the shade. The TinkaTinka likes to float and glide around the trees in hiding but occasionally comes out to seek a mate or eat rare flowers.
Detailed Body Description: The TinkaTinka has an extravagant array of rose pink feathers coming through a soft fluffy pink plumage on its bottom. This fluffy pink plumage strings out in curly patterns around its large pink feather wings and tail between almost every individual feather. The fluffy plumage at the edge of the wings towards the birds back curl in what appears to be a heart shape. Another reason why it may be called the bird of love. It's beak and legs are small and dainty and it doesn't struggle to walk as its body is light.
Item Drops: Rosey Feathers (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Fire/Wind/Grass - Ostradamus Mage

Ostradamus Mage
Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple elf drawn concept art)
Name: Ostradamus Mage
Category: Bird
Element Type: Fire, Wind and Grass
Strong Against: fire, wind, grass and normal
Weak Against: water, darkness, ice and poison
Found at: InterTwine Forest - area 3
Basic concept description: A blue big flightless bird based on ostrich
In game description: These cousins of the Ostradamus have rose above their pitiful wild life in pursuit of a mages magic and wisdom but some old habits are hard to break.
Nature / personality: The Ostradamus Mage is more arrogant and aggressive than the Ostradamus they originated from and will attack anyone who irritates it. They like to show off their magic spells by using a variety of elemental attacks but they focused so much on showing off how many spells they know that they neglected to perfect the ones they have so the spells aren't very strong. They also find it difficult to hold their spell book which allows them to cast the spells with their clumsy wings.
Likes and Dislikes: They don't like people saying they are stupid or showing them up in magic. They do like low quality elemental essences and rare flowers as they help them with their magic and potions.
Background / History: The Ostradamus Mage stems from a few Ostradamus which got fed up of people calling them stupid and decided to prove everyone wrong by learning magic. They have split away from their brethren and don't like the sight of them anymore as they don't want to be associated with their feeble minds anymore. Such arrogance is shameful.
Connected Monsters: Magic variant of Ostradamus
Detailed Location Description: They live in the InterTwine Forest which is quite a ways away from the Beginner Grasslands and posses more of a challenge for adventurers. It is a thick forest of blue trees and plants. The trees branches twist into each other in a way that connects the canopy into one piece like a giant blue carpet over the forest floor, earning the forests name. The sun shines between the gaps creating beautiful speckled light amongst the shade. The Ostramadus Mages run around freely in the forest in search of a challenger.
Detailed Body Description: The Ostradamus is a big round flightless bird with thick dark blue feathers with light blue highlights. It's beak and legs are orange but less strong and nobly than the legs of the Ostradamus due to their lack of use. It has a soft feather layer underneath its thicker feathers which come out a little from the bottom of its neck.
Item Drops: Magic Meat (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Fighting - Ostradamus

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Ostradamus
Category: Bird
Element Type: Fighting
Strong Against: normal, earth and fighting
Weak Against: water and poison
Found at: Sunny Hills - area 1
Basic concept description: A big grey flightless bird based on ostrich
In game description: Ostradamus are believed to be very dumb birds. This is because they are a big bird which can't fly but watch out for their large legs as they can do some damage.
Nature / personality: The Ostradamus is not as stupid as people believe. One Ostradamus is told to have put its head in the earth to hide before being hunted and now everyone thinks they are the stupidest creatures in MEGA Craft (world name pending). They are generally docile and although solitary they get along fine with other Ostradamus. However, if attacked or threatened these creatures can pack a good kick with their large legs and strong pecks using their long necks.
Likes and Dislikes: Ostradamus like to eat berries as they are rare on the Sunny Hills. They don't like being pestered by other creatures.
Background / History: Ostradamus have been around for a long time but are generally left alone by the normal public as they are not very easy to tackle. However, adventurers like to tangle with them in order to test their strength before moving to more glorious pastures. Great adventurers may come back later to best use their protected eggs as they can be great if cooked by an experienced chef.
Connected Monsters: Has a magic variant Ostradamus Mage
Detailed Location Description: The Ostradamus settles just below the hills of the Sunny Hills area just out from Beginner Grasslands. Sunny Hills is similar to the Beginner Grasslands with grass all around but the grass is drier leaving it a yellow colour and the area is much hillier. Wheat plants grow naturally in this land and is a great food source for the life which lives here but most just rest here and eat in the Beginner Grassland the rest of the time. Just past the cliffs is of course the sea which is a good spot for the creatures to find food as well.
Detailed Body Description: The Ostradamus is a big round flightless bird with thick grey feathers with light blue highlights. It's beak and legs are a soft yellow but they are still nobly and tough. It has soft feather layer underneath its thicker feathers which come out a little from the bottom of its neck.
Item Drops: Ostra Meat and thick feathers (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Wind - Blue Diver Bird

Blue Diver Bird
Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Blue Diver Bird
Category: Bird
Element Type: Wind
Strong Against: lightning, fire and wind
Weak Against: plant and ice
Found at: Sunny Hills - area 1
Basic concept description: A blue, small and thin streamlined sea diving bird based on a Kite bird
In game description: A little blue bird that is known for its sleek body that enables it to fly skilfully. It uses this ability to speedily peck nearby travellers who get to close to their eggs.
Nature / personality: These birds are very alert in nature and are always looking for intruders and danger. They are very territorial and protective of their eggs and roost areas. Be careful as if you get too close they will dive at your head and try to peck your face. These birds, despite how protective they are of their young, often fail to notice when trying to fend off intruders that their young may be unprotected back at the roost while they are gone. These creatures take almost no effort in flying due to their brilliantly streamlined bodies and can fly miles and miles easily to get the food they need. They can pull their wings closer to their body while falling into the water to allow them less friction to dive into the water to catch shoals of small fish.
Likes and Dislikes: Blue Diver Birds like eating blue flowers and collecting lots of small fish to feed their young. They don't like intruders getting close to their roosts.
Background / History: It is thought that the Blue Diver Bird may be descended from a magical ice bird from the Sugarlick Mountains but came here in search of better nesting ground and warmer climates for their young to grow. This is believed due to the many trips they take to the Sugarlick Mountains to eat blue flowers among other things. However, none of this has yet been proven scientifically but studies are still underway.
Connected Monsters: No relations to other monsters.
(link when available)
Detailed Location Description: The Blue Diver Bird makes its roost on the edge of the very highest cliffs of the Sunny Hills area just out from Beginner Grasslands. Sunny Hills is similar to the Beginner Grasslands with grass all around but the grass is drier leaving it a yellow colour and the area is much hillier. Wheat plants grow naturally in this land and is a great food source for the life which lives here but most just rest here and eat in the Beginner Grassland the rest of the time. Just past the cliffs is of course the sea which is a good spot for the creatures to find food as well.
Detailed Body Description: Their dark blue bodies are small and a slender streamlined shape allowing them to effortlessly glide through the air on the wind from the sea on the shore nearby. Their beaks are small and sharp allowing them to be even more streamlined. Nevertheless, don't let the size of the beak fool you as it plenty good enough for catching fish.
Item Drops: Little Bird Meat (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Fighting - Prized Pekin

Prized Pekin
Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Prized Pekin
Category: Bird
Element Type: Fighting
Strong Against: normal, earth and fighting
Weak Against: water and poison
Found at: Beginner Grasslands - area 3
Basic concept description: A stocky red chicken
In game description: This Pekin is on the top of the pecking order. It's rich lifestyle with plenty of room to roam and food to eat means it produces the best Pekin eggs.
Nature / personality: The Prized Pekin (unlike its counterpart the Pekin) is very aggressive and like to chase newbie adventurers around for fun. They use their legs to give strong kicks up the backsides of those who dare go too close. They are still very weak compared other creatures and not very smart so they still be defeated if you are prepared and a bit stronger. They are so angry that wont stop attacking until you either leave the are or they die. This is some crazy angry bird if you ask me. Despite their aggressive nature they don't really pose a threat to anything other than a child. They try wandering into towns to attack us for revenge but get put down pretty easily.
Likes and Dislikes: Prized Pekin are difficult to please but they do like a good cooked fish, any kind will do. They don't like people invading their territory or getting shown up by stronger creatures or adventurers.
Background / History: Prized Pekin were developed by breeders to be the perfect Pekin. However, they escaped their confines and started living in the wild, surviving much better than their Pekin counterparts due to their better strength. They have been captured since and some use them in farms to produce good quality products but they remain very wild and need more experience farmers to care for them and make sure they don't escape again.
Connected Monsters: Stronger varient of Pekin
Detailed Location Description: Prized Pekin come from the further reaches of the Beginner Grasslands (which your adventure starts in from my work in progress game MEGA Craft) closer to the drier taller land of Sunny Hills. The Grasslands are green with lush grass and small flowers with only a few small hills although they grow higher in this area further down. The small river that flows in the middle of the land earlier moves to one side in this area towards the InterTwine Forest nearby. Here are some small areas of trees which the Prized Pekin like to nestle in for shade and during the night. They like because it is dark but not to feel safe like the Pekin but instead so they can pounce of unsuspecting creatures. However, they fail to take into account the fact they may end up tangling with something bigger than them.
Detailed Body Description: The Prized Pekin is the same as a Pekin in most ways with its chicken feathers and strong orange legs but its feathers are now a dark shade of red with black highlights. They have also developed angry eyebrows so you know they are mad and they are always mad.
Item Drops: Brown Egg (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Normal - Pekly

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Pekly
Category: Bird
Element Type: Normal (no element)
Strong Against: Holy
Weak Against: Fighting, Darkness and Lightning
Found at: Beginner Grasslands - area 1
Basic concept description: A clumsy baby chicken chick
In game description: A harmless little Pekly is the precious baby of a Pekin. It tumbles around on the little hills it lives. It just begs the question. Who is the real monster here hmmmmmm?
Nature / personality: Pekly are not as skittish as their parents as they haven't learnt about true danger yet and this is often the cause of disaster for them. However, Pekin's breed like crazy so there are plenty to go around. They are clumsy and unsteady on their tiny feet and so often end up tumbling down the little hills they live on every day. It is a good way to have fun though.
Likes and Dislikes: Pekly like eating tiny grains and daisy flowers which help them to grow. They don't like bumping or rolling into trouble and getting eaten but that's life.
Background / History: Pekin and their children the Pekly have been around for generations in the world of MEGA Craft (actual world name pending). They are the staple of any fair farm and provide good eggs and sometimes even their feathers can be useful. When cared for it is better not to bother them too much as they get easily stressed and disturbed. The Pekin was named due to it being the only thing the discoverer could think of when they saw it foraging on the ground. They have been this way for many generations and research has found they were likely not much different even in ancient times. Basically, another easy target for many generations although slightly more annoying to catch than a Moodle.
Connected Monsters: They are the children of Pekin and grow into an adult Pekin
Detailed Location Description: Pekin and Pekly come from the Beginner Grasslands which your adventure starts in from my work in progress game MEGA Craft. The Grasslands are green with lush grass and small flowers with only a few small hills. A small river flows in the middle of the land splitting it into two. There are also some hidden grassy groves which creatures like to settle down in. The grassy groves are the Pekin's favourite spot to settle down in for shade, protection and to sleep in. They like because it is dark so predators find it hard to see them and so they feel safer. However, they fail to take into account the fact they also can't see very well in the dark.
Detailed Body Description: Pekly have the tiniest little fluffy yellow bodies which could be crushed in the palm of your hand if you wished to do so and I hope you don't coz if you do there is something very wrong with you. Their crest has barely grown and so is nothing more than a few strands of hair and they only have one tail feather. Their beak is very small and a different shape than the adult Pekin as its beak doesn't need to be very strong or defined to eat mashed up food from the mother Pekin but it will grow into a stronger sharper beak later so it can grab worms and insects to eat. Their bodies are top heavy so they may end up toppling over a lot head first.
Item Drops: None (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Monster - Bird/Normal - Pekin

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki
(simple self drawn concept art)
Name: Pekin
Category: Bird
Element Type: Normal (no element)
Strong Against: Holy
Weak Against: Fighting, Darkness and Lightning
Found at: Beginner Grasslands - area 1
Basic concept description: A plump brown chicken
In game description: A bird not known for great mothering skills. These creatures have been bred over many years to produce the best delicious eggs for our morning toast.
Nature / personality: Pekin's are very skittish in nature and run away easily but they can't run very fast or far, making them pretty useless. Scare a Pekin enough and it may lay an egg in front of you. I don't know whether that is funny or creepy. Pekin's are not the best parents and often lose their young when running away from danger. Their feathers are the same as a normal chicken and they can fly but only sort distances. They prefer to use their feet to run away rather than flying to escape predators.
Likes and Dislikes: Pekin's naturally eat worms and small insects but their favourite food is corn. They don't like being scared our of their wits from adventurers chasing them down for eggs.
Background / History: Pekin and their children the Pekly have been around for generations in the world of MEGA Craft (actual world name pending). They are the staple of any fair farm and provide good eggs and sometimes even their feathers can be useful. When cared for it is better not to bother them too much as they get easily stressed and disturbed. The Pekin was named due to it being the only thing the discoverer could think of when they saw it foraging on the ground. They have been this way for many generations and research has found they were likely not much different even in ancient times. Basically, another easy target for many generations although slightly more annoying to catch than a Moodle.
Connected Monsters: They are an adult Pekly and the Pekly are its children
Detailed Location Description: Pekin and Pekly come from the Beginner Grasslands which your adventure starts in from my work in progress game MEGA Craft. The Grasslands are green with lush grass and small flowers with only a few small hills. A small river flows in the middle of the land splitting it into two. There are also some hidden grassy groves which creatures like to settle down in. The grassy groves are the Pekin's favourite spot to settle down in for shade, protection and to sleep in. They like because it is dark so predators find it hard to see them and so they feel safer. However, they fail to take into account the fact they also can't see very well in the dark.
Detailed Body Description: The Pekin is a little plump chicken which can come in either white or brown. The ones used in farms are often the white kind but the wild ones are often brown. Their brown feathers have yellow highlights in them but other than that are the same as a normal chicken and they can fly but only sort distances. They prefer to use their strong orange feet to run away rather than flying to escape predators. Male and Female Pekin look the same and both have the defining red crest on its head.
Item Drops: White Egg (in concept only as items still to be confirmed)
Creators Notes: Most of the things in this profile have been reused from a detailed profile of the creature on another website as it helps give all the good details needed. The creatures likes and dislikes may become relevant in the future for taming the creature if this feature is used in the final game. The more complex details of the creature may also be used in the game itself through the means of in game text books if the information is interesting enough and relevant to the proper development of the way the world is. Less important information will not be in the game itself.

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Fishing - Sea - Fish - Yellow Tang

Yellow Tang
Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki


Item Name: Yellow Tang

Category: Fishing - Sea - Fish
(a fish can be found in the sea, a pond or a river depending on its category)

Item Location: DeepSea Forest
Minimum Fishing Tool Required: Balanced Fishing Rod
Item Value: ? (still being figured out)

In-Game Description: The yellow tang is a relative of the blue tang but it looks very different. It has a pointy snout which it uses to suck algae off turtles backs. That's adorable, OMG!

Authors In-Depth Description: I know I keep saying it but I have checked everything so this is DEFINETLY the last fish in the game making the total 102 fish! WOW! Lots of fun but glad to be done :3
(real life yellow tang fish from

MEGA Craft Wiki - Category: Fishing - Sea - Crustacean - Shrimp

Authors note: The information in this wiki blog profile is liable to change as game development progresses. Any changes that are made if relevant enough will be featured as an update to show the history of development of this aspect of the game. SEE TAGS for more info on anything in this wiki


Item Name: Shrimp

Category: Fishing - Sea - Crustacean
(a fish can be found in the sea, a pond or a river depending on its category)

Item Location: DeepSea Forest
Minimum Fishing Tool Required: Balanced Fishing Rod
Item Value: ? (still being figured out)

In-Game Description: The shrimp is in many recipes and also the food of many larger fish and animals. If you eat too many of them you may end up turning pink.

Authors In-Depth Description: DARN! I thought I was done with my fish but then discovered I needed 2 more to fill up gaps in the DeepSea Forest. I always forget that place. Good opportunity to also fill in some potential gaps to the food crafting as shrimp is used in a lot of food.
(real life shrimp from