Saturday 13 February 2016

A few ideas - books in the game and research progress

There are a few things I would like to point out as considered concepts I am now planning to put into practice soon but as you can see there are other things I need to take care off first but these are things I feel I need to let you know about what I have done or are going to do
1- I am going to have some large texts in the game in the form of books to show history of the land and some item and enemy details that may relate to the world and their culture. Obviously, I am not going to make as many as there are in a game like Skyrim. It will just be particular things I feel the need to expand upon such as legends, history and some profiles for more complex enemies.
2- I have been making sure to research anything I am unsure about when it comes to the fish, plants and food items in this game data I am creating. Although, this is a comedy game in some respects, I also don't want to use that as an excuse for laziness or lack of research into certain topics. All worlds need a proper way of working, even if it sometimes doesn't make sense. I have used some real facts in some descriptions and to aid with my information and possible uses of certain fish and plants in the game. The plants and fish I am planning to be mostly the same as our world to give this game a strong basis for its world. Don't worry, there are weird things in there to but having some normal stuff helps to get a better bearing on things and makes the weird things all the better in my opinion.
3- I have been doing some research into the exact scripts I may need for some of the operations I had hoped to implement in this game. I had done some basic research before but now I have done into more detail since I have a better idea of what I am creating at this point and I have uncovered the exact scripts I will be using in RPG maker to create some features in my game. I wont link to them here. Let's leave it a surprise until the demo comes out OK? ;3 no the demo is not soon, there is still a lot to do but you can watch every step of the way.
To give you an idea I have found a script for a live combat system (a simple one but not turn based combat anymore),
I have a script for growing times and plant growing and harvesting (if needed but may not use),
I have a script for a complex fishing system (but I will simplify it. No bait will be needed),
I have a script for harvesting minerals (sprite changes when item harvested. That is not as easy as it sounds in this program),
I have a script for a little button mash or holding mini game for using when crafting or harvesting (I hope to have this as a main feature but may need to tweek a little for my use),
I have a script for an enemy log book to see enemy info and info for other items (hence the purpose of the wiki is even more important as this info will be in the game. I may also use this code to figure out how to show a book with full text like Skyrim)
And I have a few more simple scripts to make things look a little nicer like making items visually appear on the ground and a fancier opening door animation.
I have been busy :3 but these things wont come properly into effect until my data for what I am going to put into the game is fully complete or at least to a very decent extent so these details will have to wait for later. If you are reading this and keeping an eye on this thank you and I hope you like what I have got so far and the content I am adding. Feel free to comment anything you like :3

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